How I Healed Myself and So Many Others.

I grew up in a health-centric family.Doctors, dentists, and pharmacists made up most of my extended family.I liked hearing how they helped other people feel better.So in school, I studied the human body and biology.

But then something bad happened.

I got sick with an autoimmune disease in high school.For years, my doctors tried to figure out what was going on with me while pumping me full of medication.Even the people who were supposed to help me couldn't do anything.I felt sad, confused and scared.Years of studying, trying new things and failing, going to different doctors frantically searching for anything that would help me, all while still in university.My first degree from McGill.My second from Concordia.Still, I was sick, and unable to find any long-term solutions.Time was running out,I was feeling really bad because of my sickness, as well as extra negative things that were happening in my life.I got very sad, very anxious, and felt like I wasn't myself.

I had a decision:

Take medicine every day for the rest of my life or try to get better another way.I decided to try another way, as the medicine was simply not an acceptable way of life for me to live out the rest of my days with.Fast forward to now, so many years later...Every day I help people like those in the video below, like you, like myself, bulletproof their health.Lowering their stress to levels they haven't seen since childhood.Using step-by-step systems that WORK, that I've designed over all my years of trial and error.Teaching doctors how to use supplementation to help THEIR patients.

Don't believe me. Ask them. 👇


My background in science, as well as my own personal experience in healing myself, has made me able to bring so much value to the lives of those who I coach.I learn new things every day to help me teach other people about how to stay healthy.I want to help you feel better, even if:You've been sick for a long time.You've tried everything under the sun.You're tired.You're stressed.You feel weak.I have had so many health problems from such a young age, and have helped so many people with the same problems as you and I.I don't want you to "FEEL" better, I want you to BE better. Permanently.Book a quick little chat with me, even if you don't do anything right this minute, you'll have more info than you do right now, and you'll be a step closer to your specific health goals.It'll take next to no time at all, tap the button below, just so you know.


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